Order Updated

Event CodeDescription
orders.updatedThe status of the order has been updated, contains details of the order in its current state. This event will always be for partial fills of an order.
  "eventId": "9f86fd00-c90f-4bd7-8ca5-769cf072647a",
  "eventCd": "orders.updated",
  "timestamp": "2022-04-22T16:52:40.928Z",
  "payload": {
    "orderId": "1ee7a85a-ab32-4d57-9814-6ed0d268b5aa",
    "symbol": "MDVL",
    "type": "MARKET",
    "side": "BUY",
    "category": "stock",
    "fees": 0,
    "status": "PARTIAL_FILL",
    "custId": "b6e7447b-0a99-4cd6-9e52-08457ca71de2",
    "quantity": 1.5,
    "cumulativeQuantity": 1,
    "averagePrice": 2.65,
    "totalInvestment": 2.65,
    "transactDate": "2022-04-22T16:52:40.928Z"

Event Fields Description

eventIdstringUnique Event Identifier
eventCdstringEvent Type
payloadobjectPayload Object with the Details about the Order
payload.orderIdstringUnique Order Identifier
payload.symbolstringSymbol of the Ticker
payload.typestringType of the Order
payload.sidestringOrder Side : BUY or SELL
payload.categorystringType of Order : stock
payload.feesnumberTotal Fees Paid
payload.statusstringStatus of the Updated Order
payload.createdstringTime when the order got created
payload.customerIdstringUnique Customer Identifier
payload.quantitynumberRequested Order Quantity.
Note: Available for only stock category.
payload.cumulativeQuantitynumberTotal Quantity Executed
Note: Available for only stock category.
payload.averagePricenumberAverage Price of the Order
Note: Available for only stock category.
payload.totalInvestmentnumberTotal Order Amount
payload.transactDatestringTime of Order Execution
timestampstringTime of the Queue Entry