Fund Hold

The status of the fund transaction has been put on hold - includes both reason code and reason for 'hold' status.


eventIdStringUnique Event Identifier
eventCdStringEvent Type
timestampStringTime of the Queue Entry
payloadObjectPayload Object with the Details about the fund transaction
payload.amountNumberTransfer amount
payload.transactionIdStringUnique id of transaction
payload.statusReasonStringDocumentation Incorrect- Bank Account Statement Upload, KYC
payload.reasonCodeStringMentioned in the table below
payload.custIdStringUnique Customer Identifier
  "eventId": "69ca71a4-e07b-4b5b-8b2c-e8e086634d45",  
  "eventCd": "fund.hold",  
  "timestamp" : "2022-12-10T09:27:32.316Z",  
  "payload": {  
        "amount": 195114.34,  
        "transactionId": "5ccab76b-9b47-4fa1-86e8-4d9db2fb6ebf",  
        "statusReason": “Documentation Incorrect- Bank Account Statement Upload, KYC”,  
        “reasonCode”: “”,  
        "paymentStatus": “HOLD”,  
        "custId" : "fcdd0bdb-10a8-440a-8c43-d79a5fcaf52e"  

Status Reason

Reason CodeStatusReason Message
STOF0018HOLDName of customer should match with the name on the bank statement provided
STOF0020HOLDPlease provide one year Bank Statement including the debit of US portfolio investments.
STOF0021HOLDAs per guidelines, If the txn is originating from newly opened bank account, customer should also upload any other bank account with 1 year relationship where source of funds are established.
STOF0022HOLDSource of funds should always be from own earnings and not borrowed from husband/ wife/ parents. If in such cases, a declaration letter should be shared by Remitter/ Parent/ guardian/ husband who ever is supporting for transaction.