Fund Rejected

The status of the fund transaction has been changed to Rejected, and contains the reason and reason code for the same.


eventIdStringUnique Event Identifier
eventCdStringEvent Type
timestampStringTime of the Queue Entry
payloadObjectPayload Object with the Details about the fund transaction
payload.amountNumberTransfer amount
payload.transactionIdStringUnique id of transaction
payload.statusReasonStringbank statement, OD, Cash Deposit, NRE, NRO
payload.reasonCodeStringMentioned in table below
payload.custIdStringUnique Customer Identifier
  "eventId": "69ca71a4-e07b-4b5b-8b2c-e8e086634d45",  
  "eventCd": "fund.rejected",  
  "timestamp" : "2022-12-10T09:27:32.316Z",  
  "payload": {  
        "amount": 195114.34,  
        "transactionId": "5ccab76b-9b47-4fa1-86e8-4d9db2fb6ebf",  
        "statusReason": “bank statement, OD, Cash Deposit, NRE, NRO”,  
         “reasonCode”: “”,  
        "paymentStatus": “REJECTED”,  
        "custId" : "fcdd0bdb-10a8-440a-8c43-d79a5fcaf52e"  

Status Reason

Reason CodeStatusReason Message
STOF0017REJECTEDFunds arising out of Cash deposits, Credit, OD limits are not allowed for Capital Acc Transactions.
STOF0019REJECTEDNRO accounts are not eligible for processing capital Acc transactions.