Submit quote & generate payment link

This API is required to fix the quote that was requested earlier. and submit the same for getting the payment link generated. remember that the quote is valid only for 30 minutes. Payment link is valid till the quote is valid. Post that the payment link will be required to be regenerated.

Response Parameters

transactionIdNumberUnique id of transaction
fromAmountNumberSource Amount
toAmountNumberTarget Amount
payLinkStringPayment Link generated by the vendor
exchangeRateNumberExchange Rate from Generate Quote
feeNumberFee from Generate Quote
otherFeeNumberOther Fee from Generate Quote
baseAmountNumberFrom/Source Amount
rateNumberExchange rate from partner
gstNumberTotal GST
bankChargeNumberTotal Bank charges
handleChargeNumberTotal Handling charge
totalAdditionalAmountNumberTotal All Charges
finalPayableAmountNumberFinal payable amount
Click Try It! to start a request and see the response here!