To retrieve the details of the instrument
Key | Description |
symbol | Stock/Stack ticker |
type | identifies the type of symbol |
company | company of the symbol |
logoURL | logo image url of the symbol |
description | description of the symbol |
sector | sector for the stocks |
themes | themes related to stacks |
cagr | compound annual growth rate for the stacks |
createdBy | creator of the stack |
shareAllocation | shares as per the stack |
aumForBuy | Aum to buy the stack |
minimum | Minimum amount to buy the stack |
tradeStatus | applicable | not-applicable |
rebalanceFrequency | Rebalance Frequency |
entryFee | Fee charged during every fresh investment into the Stack |
exitFee | Fee charged when selling the Stack. |
nextRebalanceDate | Date of next rebalancing for the stack |
risk | The risk associated for the Stack |
methodology | Methodology used by Stack creator to pick and assign allocations to the stocks / ETFs within a stack |
createdByProfilePictureLink | The Logo of the Stack creator |
factSheet | Stack Factsheet link |
nextFeeDeductionDate | Date when the next AUM fee will be charged |