Get Instrument Details

To retrieve the details of the instrument

symbolStock/Stack ticker
typeidentifies the type of symbol
companycompany of the symbol
logoURLlogo image url of the symbol
descriptiondescription of the symbol
sectorsector for the stocks
themesthemes related to stacks
cagrcompound annual growth rate for the stacks
createdBycreator of the stack
shareAllocationshares as per the stack
aumForBuyAum to buy the stack
minimumMinimum amount to buy the stack
tradeStatusapplicable | not-applicable
rebalanceFrequencyRebalance Frequency
entryFeeFee charged during every fresh investment into the Stack
exitFeeFee charged when selling the Stack.
nextRebalanceDateDate of next rebalancing for the stack
riskThe risk associated for the Stack
methodologyMethodology used by Stack creator to pick and assign allocations to the stocks / ETFs within a stack
createdByProfilePictureLinkThe Logo of the Stack creator
factSheetStack Factsheet link
nextFeeDeductionDateDate when the next AUM fee will be charged
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