Get Transaction Status

This API will give the status and details of a particular transaction

Response Parameters

transactionIdNumberUnique Id of the transaction
paymentStatusString“WAITING_FOR_FUND”, "FAILED",
WAITING_FOR_FUND: Payment gateway link generated- payment pending

FAILED: transaction has been failed.

FUND_RECEIVED: Payment gateway - payment recd, waiting for docs

INITIATED: Received funds and bank statement upload - process LRS txn, before all

HOLD: Documentation Incorrect- Bank Account Statement Upload, KYC

REJECTED: bank statement, OD, Cash Deposit, NRE, NRO

REFUNDED: after rejection - within 24-48 hrs

PROCESSED: Processed waiting for US hours for money to credit

COMPLETED: Final state - swift copy update
transactionAmountNumberAmount to be transacted
paymentLinkStringPayment Link generated by the vendor
(Date Time)
Expiry time for payment link
bankStatementDoc1NumberDocument ids of the Bank statement uploaded by user.
It can be a single file or multiple files (max 4)
bankStatementDoc2NumberDocument ids of the Bank statement uploaded by user.
It can be a single file or multiple files (max 4)
bankStatementDoc3NumberDocument ids of the Bank statement uploaded by user.
It can be a single file or multiple files (max 4)
bankStatementDoc4NumberDocument ids of the Bank statement uploaded by user.
It can be a single file or multiple files (max 4)
(Date Time)
Creation timestamp
(Date Time)
Update timestamp
swiftUrlStringAfter payment successful will get swiftURL
swiftDocRefIdStringPassword to access swift document
transactionChargesStringTotal additional charges
errorMsgStringError message, if any
STATEMENT_NO_CONSENT: Need to upload bank statement by user OR create consent by API

STATEMENT_IN_PROGRESS: Bank statement aggregation in process

STATEMENT_RECEIVED: Bank statement has been fetched

STATEMENT_FAILED: Bank statement aggregation failed, user will upload by manual

(Note: statementStatus will only be available on account aggregation flows)
Click Try It! to start a request and see the response here!