Get quote & transfer fund

The quote is created where the customer enters the amount of USD that is required to be transferred where the response is shared with the amount in INR with charges. Quote is valid only for 30 minutes. As a user of this API you could choose to maintain the expire time at your end to re-generate the quote as soon as it is expired and if the user has not made the payment

Response Parameters

FieldType Description
quoteId StringUnique Id of the quote
expiryTimeStringQuote’s expiry time
sourceCurrencyCodeStringSource Currency
Its a ISO Currency Format
targetCurrencyCodeStringTarget Currency its a ISO Currency Format
partnerIdNumberVendor Partner Id - This is not required. We dont need the end client to select whom we use in the backend!
baseAmountNumberFrom/Source Amount
toAmountNumberTo/Target Amount
rateNumberExchange Rate applied through Fairexpay for INR<>USD conversion
feeNumberIf any fee applicable from partner
otherFeeNumberOther than Fee any other additional fees from partner
sourceCountryStringSource Country
targetCountryStringTo/Target Country
tcsNumberTotal TCS
gstNumberTotal GST
bankChargeNumberTotal Bank charges
handleChargeNumberTotal Handling charge
totAdditionalAmountNumberTotal All Charges
finalPayableAmountNumberFinal payable amount
Click Try It! to start a request and see the response here!